
Thank you for your interest in Maine Freedom of Information Coalition (MFOIC).

MFOIC’s goal is to educate all Mainers, from individual citizens to educators, students, the media, legal professionals, public and business officials, about their rights and responsibilities as citizens in our democracy.

We aim to broaden knowledge and awareness of the First Amendment and state laws aimed at assuring public access to government proceedings and government records.

We welcome your participation and support.

MFOIC is for every one (and you may want to get involved) if you’re…

  • A taxpayer, parent or community activist concerned with a public body’s adherence to open meeting laws;
  • A business person, journalist or researcher frustrated with a public agency’s withholding of information despite the Freedom of Access laws.
  • An advocate for yourself or for a group prevented by public officials from speaking, leafleting and petitioning, or picketing and parading for your cause;
  • A reporter or photographer whose access to people or places has been curtailed by a public authority;
  • A court observer (amateur or professional) turned away from access to judicial proceedings or to case-related files;
  • A target faced with the threat of a lawsuit for something said, published or broadcast by you or your organization;
  • A public official or employee concerned about what you have been told about your duties or rights concerning public meetings, records or speech;
  • A student or teacher unsure about how freedom of information and First Amendment rights apply to the school or college setting;
  • A policy-maker considering new rules affecting freedom of information and expression in a particular context; or
  • Anyone who cares about the values of open government and vocal, informed citizenship in today’s Maine.

Consistent calls for help for problems, such as these, fostered the birth of the Maine Freedom of Information Coalition.

Please review our web site for resource material, and information on the state’s open government laws. Help us help the cause of open government in Maine.

We now have a state ombudsman to help with open government issues. Brenda Kielty has been named as the first ombudsman for Maine and is located in the Attorney General’s Office. She may be reached at  or 207 626 8577.

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