General Resources

Here are some key resources for understanding and using the Maine Freedom of Access Act.

State of Maine Freedom of Access Act: Maine Revised Statutes, Title 1, Chapter 13: PUBLIC RECORDS AND PROCEEDINGS
This is the table of contents for Maine’s FOIA law. The text of a law is the most important document to refer to whenever preparing to make a public records request.

Your Right to Know: The Maine Freedom of Access Act
This is the state government web site that provides state FOAA news, FAQ, information about how to make a request, contacts, training for officials, and related websites.

Local Government in Maine
This Maine Municipal Association handbook provides an introduction to those new to how government is organized in the state. While only brief mention is made to Freedom of Access, understanding how local governments function may provide information helpful to understanding whom to approach for information in a given situation.

Maine State Legislature: Exceptions to Maine’s Freedom of Access Laws
This is a search tool to exceptions to Maine’s FOAA. If a request for information is denied due to an exception, this tool may provide an understanding of the exception and help the user to decide whether a different approach might prove successful, or whether an appeal might be useful. You may search it by category, title, section, or keyword. Beginning with a keyword search is a good way to get started. Users may also generate a list of all exclusions to browse.

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