2002 Audit Results

The results of Maine’s first FOI audit are now available.

The results of the FOI audit conducted in November 2002 are available as an Excel spreadsheet. If you have Excel on your computer but are unfamiliar with how to use it, read this basic tutorial. The MFOIC Audit Report, its associated appendices and the Executive Summary are in Microsoft Word format.

In reviewing the data in the spreadsheets, and in particular where there appears to be a denial of access to public information, please pay careful attention to the reasons listed for denial. These distinctions of denial, as opposed to a strictly black-and-white perspective, are discussed more fully in the report.

Executive Summary Right click and choose Save Target As…

MFOIC Audit Report (file size 1.17 meg) Right click and choose Save Target As…
Appendix A-Protocol
Appendix B-Sample Script
Appendix C-Evaluation Form
Appendix D-Sample policies

Spreadsheets (zipped up for your downloading convenience)
Results of FOI requests made through the mail (right click and choose Save Target As…)
Results of FOI requests made in person (right click and choose Save Target As…)

If you have any questions concerning the results or procedures of the survey, please contact either (for the mailed requests) or (for the requests made in person). We would also appreciate hearing from you with any comments concerning Maine’s first FOI audit. Please feel free to post your comments online. Thank you very much.

Report on Public Records Follow-up Audit – Conducted May 3, 2006

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