Legislative Candidates Open Government Pledge 2018

MFOIC Once Again Challenges Legislative Candidates to Support Open Government

The Maine Freedom of Information Coalition sent a letter to every candidate for the Maine Legislature in 2018 seeking a pledge of support for open government.

Now more than ever, freedom of speech, open meetings of government, and access to public records are fundamental to the practice – and the continued existence of – democracy. Mainers have a long history of open government with many towns still holding annual town meetings where open debate and discussion are celebrated.

In 1959, the Maine Legislature enacted a strong Freedom of Access law setting forth in its first sentences the high importance Mainers place on open government.

“The Legislature finds and declares that public proceedings exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of the Legislature that their actions be taken openly and that the records of their actions be open to public inspection and their deliberations be conducted openly.”

It is as essential that we maintain that intent and demand its faithful practice today as it was in 1959.

Below is the text of the Open Government Pledge that MFOIC asked the 2018 Legislative Candidates if they were willing to sign, followed by a list of Candidates by district who informed MFOIC that they were willing to sign this Open Government Pledge.

“As a candidate for the Maine Legislature in 2018, I endorse the purpose of the Maine Freedom of Access Act to ensure and facilitate the public’s understanding of governmental processes and problems.

Therefore, I pledge to support the public policy of the State of Maine that the people have the inherent right to know and be fully informed about their government so that they can efficiently and intelligently exercise their political power.

Specifically, I pledge to uphold and protect the letter and the spirit of the Maine Freedom of Access Act.

I also pledge that I will actively oppose – and not participate in – any meetings to discuss legislative matters where the public is excluded contrary to the letter and spirit of the law.”

2018 Maine Senate Candidates who signed this pledge, by Senate District:

Senate District 4   Susan D. Mackey-Andrews
Senate District 7   Walter A. Kumiega
Senate District 7   Richard S. Malaby
Senate District 13   Laura A Fortman
Senate District 14   Shenna Bellows
Senate District 15   John Michael Glowa
Senate District 15   Kellie M. Julia
Senate District 16   Karen Kusiak
Senate District 17   Jan M Collins
Senate District 17   Gary T McGrane
Senate District 22   Lois E. Kilby-Chesley
Senate District 23   Eloise A. Vitelli
Senate District 23   Susan H. Wasserott
Senate District 24   Brownie Carson
Senate District 25   Catherine E. Breen
Senate District 27   Crystal R. Canney
Senate District 27   Benjamin Chipman
Senate District 28   Heather Sanborn
Senate District 29   Rebecca Millett
Senate District 32   Susan Deschambault
Senate District 33   John L. Tuttle

2018 Maine House Candidates who signed this pledge, by House District:

House District 1   Deane Rykerson
House District 2   Michele Meyer
House District 5   Charles A. Galemmo
House District 6   Jennifer Ellen Parker
House District 6   Tiffany Danielle Roberts-Lovell
House District 7   John W. Howarth
House District 8   Christopher W. Babbidge
House District 9   Roger A. Seavey
House District 11   Ryan Michael Fecteau
House District 12   Victoria Foley
House District 14   Donna Bailey
House District 15   Margaret M. O’Neil
House District 18   Anne-Marie Mastraccio
House District 20   Daniel J. Lauzon
House District 21   Clifford Terry Krolick
House District 21   Justin Lynn Reinhardt
House District 25   Jennie Butler
House District 30   Anne Carney
House District 32   Christopher J. Kessler
House District 35   Ann E. Peoples
House District 37   Richard R. Farnsworth
House District 47   Janice E. Cooper
House District 50   Michael J. Lawler
House District 50   Ralph L. Tucker
House District 51   Joyce E. McCreight
House District 52   Bil Weidner
House District 53   Allison Hepler
House District 54   Denise A. Tepler
House District 55   Seth A. Berry
House District 58   James R. Handy
House District 59   Margaret M. Craven
House District 61   Michael Lachance
House District 63   Brian Carrier
House District 64   Michael C. Travers
House District 66   Jessica Fay
House District 67   Anne B. Gass
House District 70   Warren E. Richardson
House District 71   H. Sawin Millett
House District 73   Robert F. Faunce
House District 74   Christina Riley
House District 75   John M. Nutting
House District 79   Timothy S. Theriault
House District 80   Stephen C. Ball
House District 82   Kent Ackley
House District 83   Thom A. Harnett
House District 84   Charlotte M. Warren
House District 91   Jeffrey Evangelos
House District 93   Pinny Beebe-Center
House District 94   Owen D. Casas
House District 94   Victoria W. Doudera
House District 101   Robin M. Downs
House District 105   John R. Clark
House District 109   Karen A. Rancourt-Thomas
House District 111   Katherine Wilder
House District 112   Thomas H. Skolfield
House District 119   Paul Andrew Stearns
House District 120   Richard A. Evans
House District 122   Michelle A. Dunphy
House District 128   Arthur C. Verow
House District 130   Michael L. Reynolds
House District 132   Nicole Christine Grohoski
House District 133   Sarah Arline Pebworth
House District 139   Lisa M. Hanscom
House District 141   Donald Martin Green
House District 142   Patricia A. Nobel
House District 143   Stephen S. Stanley

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