Candidate’s Open Government Pledge 2016

MFOIC Challenges Legislative Candidates to Support Open Government

The Maine Freedom of Information Coalition sent a letter to every candidate for the Maine Legislature in 2016 seeking a pledge of support for open government.

Fundamental to democracy is freedom of speech, open meetings of government, and access to public records. Mainers have a long history of open government with many towns still holding annual town meetings where open debate and discussion are celebrated.

Mainers also recognized that with change and growth, the long traditions of openness needed protection in law and, in 1959, the Legislature enacted a strong Freedom of Access law setting forth in its first sentences the high importance Mainers place on open government.

“The Legislature finds and declares that public proceedings exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of the Legislature that their actions be taken openly and that the records of their actions be open to public inspection and their deliberations be conducted openly.”

Below is the text of the Open Government Pledge that MFOIC asked the 2016 Legislative Candidates if they were willing to sign, followed by a list of Candidates by district who informed MFOIC that they were willing to sign this Open Government Pledge.

Maine Freedom of Information Coalition Open Government Pledge

“As a candidate for the Maine Legislature in 2016, I endorse the purpose of the Maine Freedom of Access Act to ensure and facilitate the public’s understanding of governmental processes and problems.

Therefore, I pledge to support the public policy of the State of Maine that the people have the inherent right to know and be fully informed about their government so that they can efficiently and intelligently exercise their political power.

Specifically, I pledge to uphold and protect the letter and the spirit of the Maine Freedom of Access Act.

I also pledge that I will actively oppose – and not participate in – any meetings to discuss legislative matters where the public is excluded contrary to the letter and spirit of the law.”

If you are not sure of which Senate or House District you reside in, you can check these web sites for more information. These links will take you to Maine government web sites. To return to this list, use your browser’s back button.

2016 Maine Senate Candidates who signed this pledge, by Senate District:

Senate District 2   Michael Carpenter
Senate District 4   Carole Boothroyd
Senate District 4   Paul Davis
Senate District 6   Rock Alley
Senate District 7   Moira O’Neill
Senate District 10  Dennis Marble
Senate District 11  Jonathan Fulford
Senate District 12  David Miramant
Senate District 13  Christopher Johnson
Senate District 14  Shenna Bellows
Senate District 14  Bryan Cutchen
Senate District 14  Joseph Pietroski
Senate District 15  Henry Dilts
Senate District 16  Henry Beck
Senate District 17  Joanne Dunlap
Senate District 22  Richard Fochtmann
Senate District 23  Eloise Vitelli
Senate District 24  Brownie Carson
Senate District 25  Cathy Breen
Senate District 26  George Diamond
Senate District 27  Seth Baker
Senate District 29  Rebecca Millett
Senate District 29  Martha Macauslan
Senate District 30  Jean-marie Caterina
Senate District 30  Amy Volk

2016 Maine House Candidates who signed this pledge, by House District:

House District  1   Deane Rykerson
House District  3   Lydia Blume
House District 3    Peter Mantell
House District  7   Robert Foley
House District  11  Ryan Fecteau
House District  12  Martin Grohman
House District  12  Matthew Lauzon
House District  14  Donna Bailey
House District  15  Margaret O’Neil
House District  18  Anne-marie Mastraccio
House District  19  Nalbert Tero
House District  21  Heidi Sampson
House District  23  Pamela Smith
House District  29  Theodora Kalikow
House District  30  Kimberly Monaghan
House District  33  Brad Fox
House District  33  Kevin Battle
House District  40  Rachel Talbot-Ross
House District  41 James Azzola
House District  46  Sarah Hall
House District  51 Jay McCreight
House District  52  Bill Weidner
House District  55  Seth Berry
House District  56  Scott Gaiason
House District  58  James Handy
House District  59  Roger Fuller
House District  66  Jessica Fay
House District  69  Walter Riseman
House District  70  Nathan Wadsworth
House District  73  Lloyd Herrick
House District  74  Christina Riley
House District  76  Jill Ducharme
House District  79  John Glowa
House District  82  Kent Ackley
House District  83  Gay Grant
House District  87  Wendy Ross
House District  88 James Torbert
House District  92  John Spear
House District  95  Elinore Goldberg
House District  96  Stanley Zeigler
House District  101 James Davitt
House District  103 Roger Reed
House District  104 David Pearson
House District  108 John Picchiotti
House District  109 Thomas Longstaff
House District  112 Thomas Skolfield
House District  117 Sidney Pew
House District  119 Paul Stearns
House District  121 Robert Duchesne
House District  122 Michelle Dunphy
House District  125 Michael Turcotte
House District  128 Arthur Verow
House District  131 Dorothy Caldwell
House District  132 David Edsall
House District  134 Walter Kumiega
House District  136 Michael Fisher
House District  139 Colleen Morton
House District  139 Will Tuell
House District  142 Lee Ann Betz
House District  143 Stephen Stanley
House District  145 Chris Johansen
House District  146 Rosemary Monahan
House District  149 Ginette Rivard


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